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List of countries considered tax havens for starting a business or opening a company

Sure! Here’s a list of countries that were considered tax havens in 2014 for starting a business or opening a company, along with their advantages,

Cayman Islands– No corporate tax<br> – No income tax<br> – No capital gains tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations
Switzerland– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Stable economy<br> – High privacy standards<br> – Skilled workforce
Hong Kong– Low corporate tax rates<br> – No VAT or sales tax<br> – Strategic trade hub<br> – Ease of business setup
Singapore– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Strategic location<br> – Double tax treaties<br> – Strong IP protection
United Arab Emirates (Dubai)– No corporate tax<br> – No personal income tax<br> – Free zones with additional benefits<br> – Strategic location
Luxembourg– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Favorable for holding companies<br> – Strong financial sector<br> – Political stability
Ireland– Low corporate tax rate<br> – EU member state benefits<br> – Skilled workforce<br> – Business-friendly environment
Bermuda– No corporate tax<br> – No personal income tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations<br> – Strong insurance sector
Isle of Man– Low corporate tax rates<br> – No capital gains tax<br> – Strong financial services sector<br> – Political stability
British Virgin Islands– No corporate tax<br> – No capital gains tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations<br> – Confidentiality
Panama– Territorial tax system<br> – No taxes on foreign-sourced income<br> – Ease of business setup<br> – Strategic location
Monaco– No personal income tax<br> – Low corporate tax rates<br> – High standard of living<br> – Political stability
Mauritius– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Double tax treaties<br> – Strategic location<br> – Growing financial sector
Bahamas– No corporate tax<br> – No personal income tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations<br> – Confidentiality

Here’s a structured comparison of corporate and personal tax rates in the countries listed as tax havens in 2014:

CountryCorporate Tax RatePersonal Tax RateAdvantages
Cayman Islands0%0%– No corporate tax<br> – No income tax<br> – No capital gains tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations
SwitzerlandApprox. 8.5%-24% (varies by canton)Up to 40% (varies by canton)– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Stable economy<br> – High privacy standards<br> – Skilled workforce
Hong Kong16.5%2%-17% (progressive)– Low corporate tax rates<br> – No VAT or sales tax<br> – Strategic trade hub<br> – Ease of business setup
Singapore17%0%-22% (progressive)– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Strategic location<br> – Double tax treaties<br> – Strong IP protection
United Arab Emirates (Dubai)0% (varies in free zones)0%– No corporate tax<br> – No personal income tax<br> – Free zones with additional benefits<br> – Strategic location
Luxembourg18%-28% (varies by income)0%-42% (progressive)– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Favorable for holding companies<br> – Strong financial sector<br> – Political stability
Ireland12.5%20%-40% (progressive)– Low corporate tax rate<br> – EU member state benefits<br> – Skilled workforce<br> – Business-friendly environment
Bermuda0%0%– No corporate tax<br> – No personal income tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations<br> – Strong insurance sector
Isle of Man0%-10% (standard rate 0%)10%-20% (progressive)– Low corporate tax rates<br> – No capital gains tax<br> – Strong financial services sector<br> – Political stability
British Virgin Islands0%0%– No corporate tax<br> – No capital gains tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations<br> – Confidentiality
Panama25%0%-25% (progressive)– Territorial tax system<br> – No taxes on foreign-sourced income<br> – Ease of business setup<br> – Strategic location
Monaco0%-33.33% (varies by activity)0%– No personal income tax<br> – Low corporate tax rates<br> – High standard of living<br> – Political stability
Mauritius15%10%-15% (progressive)– Low corporate tax rates<br> – Double tax treaties<br> – Strategic location<br> – Growing financial sector
Bahamas0%0%– No corporate tax<br> – No personal income tax<br> – Business-friendly regulations<br> – Confidentiality