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Cancellation of registration

GST - Tax - TDS - MCA

Under by the gst registration can be cancled either by the tax authority or by the registration taxpaper him self or by his leagal hairs in day of his that but it under the following circumstances

That is in case what

  • The business has been discontinued or thanks for from the place of business the shutting down the business or is discontinuation of the business could be for any reason including that of the proprietor amalgamation of the business with any other legal entity or its merger or disposal in such circumstances the transferee of the new company from amalgamation are demerger has to get new legislation done
  • Do there is any change in the consituation of business for example private ltd company has change to s public limited company .
  • The taxable person is longer liable to be registered that he becomes exempt from gst and no longer liable to be registered under the GST laws just as an example suppose later laws may increase the threshold of registration which is about the taxpayers don’t know
  • The registered taxable person has contravened of GST, for example, the issues in loizeaux bill without supply of goods or service in violation of the provision of the act
  • If the person paying tax under the composition levy has not furnished return for three consecutive quarters or six are a taxable person who has not furnished returns for a continuous period of six months or seven.
  • A person who has taken world trade legislation and not comes into the business within six months from the date of registration
  • Any logistician has been obtained by fraud in that case the proper officer cancel the registration because the prospective effect in such cases a show cause notice is issued and a reasonable opportunity to defend the case will be provided to taxpayers before cancellation their registration
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