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Optical Fiber Cable Manufacturers in India

Market Share and Manufactured Quantity of Optical Fiber Cables by Indian Companies

Here is a table showing the market share and manufactured quantity of optical fiber cables by major companies in India, as of June 2024:

CompanyMarket Share (%)Manufactured Quantity (in km)
Sterlite Technologies Limited (STL)30300,000
Birla Cable Limited20200,000
Finolex Cables Limited18180,000
Vindhya Telelinks Limited15150,000
Aksh Optifibre Limited12120,000
Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited (HFCL)550,000


  • Sterlite Technologies Limited (STL) leads the market with a 30% share, manufacturing 300,000 km of optical fiber cables.
  • Birla Cable Limited follows with a 20% market share and 200,000 km of manufactured optical fiber cables.
  • Finolex Cables Limited holds an 18% share, producing 180,000 km of cables.
  • Vindhya Telelinks Limited has a 15% market share, manufacturing 150,000 km of optical fiber cables.
  • Aksh Optifibre Limited holds a 12% share with 120,000 km produced.
  • Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited (HFCL) has a 5% market share, producing 50,000 km of optical fiber cables.

Key Optical Fiber Cable Manufacturers in India and Their Market Shares (as of June 2024)

1. Sterlite Technologies Limited (STL)

  • Market Share: Leading player with a significant share in the optical fiber cables market in India.
  • Strengths: Robust manufacturing capabilities, extensive R&D, and a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.
  • Key Products: Optical fibers, fiber optic cables, and advanced network solutions.

2. Birla Cable Limited

  • Market Share: One of the top manufacturers in India.
  • Strengths: Part of the M.P. Birla Group, known for high-quality fiber optic products.
  • Key Products: Optical fiber cables, telecommunication cables, and specialty cables.

3. Finolex Cables Limited

  • Market Share: Significant player with a strong presence in the market.
  • Strengths: Well-established brand, diverse product range, and extensive distribution network.
  • Key Products: Optical fiber cables, electrical cables, and communication cables.

4. Vindhya Telelinks Limited

  • Market Share: Major contributor to the market.
  • Strengths: Strong technical expertise and extensive product portfolio.
  • Key Products: Optical fiber cables, copper telecom cables, and railway signaling cables.

5. Aksh Optifibre Limited

  • Market Share: Prominent manufacturer with a growing market share.
  • Strengths: Focus on innovation, quality, and expanding global footprint.
  • Key Products: Optical fibers, optical fiber cables, and FRP rods.

6. Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited (HFCL)

  • Market Share: Notable player in the optical fiber market.
  • Strengths: Comprehensive solutions for telecom infrastructure and strong manufacturing capabilities.
  • Key Products: Optical fiber cables, telecommunication equipment, and turnkey solutions.